Reviews on my Audiobook are In

A Prisoner by No Crime of My Own. Incest. Rape. Murder. Then, I turned four.

At three years old, Jodie watched her father murder a woman in a seedy hotel room. He, a true-born sociopath, strolled undetected, using religion as his disguise. Their family coat of arms was incest. The murdered woman’s life mattered and so did her death. Her murder left a destiny to locate the truth and get the chance to bring healing and justice to cold crimes lost to time. 

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A captivating emotional journey that dives deep into the soul of a woman horrifically abused by the people who are supposed to love you the most. This book was beautifully narrated by the author herself.
I cannot begin to understand everything this beautiful soul endured. This book provides a glimpse into the pain and horror of someone who has come out the other end a strong, beautiful and courageous soul and can help so many explore their own truths and hopefully become stronger because of it. This one dives deep and I have to admit I had to take short breaks to be able to digest it all. I definitely recommend 💜

review on audible

Remarkable True Story
Great book of breaking a cycle of child abuse and family secrets. Jodie did an amazing job with the audio recording and telling her truths. A great survivor and healing story.

review on audible

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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