Taking risks after abuse …

When I was on drugs, sometimes it would occur to me, that I was using them, in part, so that I didn’t have to face taking true risks and failing. I could always blame drugs on the fact that I wasn’t fulfilling my potential. I knew it deep in my heart and it would shock me awake for just a second … long enough to feel a sense of dread and panic.

The thing is: you don’t need to drugs to avoid taking risks and fulfilling your true potential. You can use almost any excuse in the book – work, past traumas, kids, financial problems, etc etc.

The inescapable truth for everyone is that you will not fulfill your purpose in life without stepping outside your comfort zone.

You’ll never know what you are capable of if you give in to fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

This is hard for survivors of sexual abuse, because we never got that fundamental foundation that allows most other people the freedom of initial safety & the courage to take risks. For a long time, I waited for someone to give me a sense of what I was missing from my childhood. But it never happened. It never will. Nearly everything I’ve built within, has ultimately come from within.

I have a couple mottos in life – one of them relate to this idea- ‘Embrace what you don’t know’. I try to push myself so hard that the person I was last year is almost unrecognizable to me. Not in a fundamental sense, just in the way that I’ve taken new risks, made mistakes, felt growing pain, pushed myself beyond what I thought I was capable of.

And each year, I look back, astounded. It is such a cool way to live.

If you want more out of life you have to push your boundaries.

No this doesn’t mean you have to jump off cliffs or go skydiving, oftentimes it’s little changes or action steps that can make a big change.

Wake up earlier and follow a morning routine.

Spend more time outside.

Count your steps and move your body more.

If there is something that you feel hesitant to do at all, that is probably your sign to push through and do it.

Your comfort zone feels easy. So if life seems too easy lately, challenge that.

B 🤍

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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