Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

I would love to hear from you! Sharing Saturday with you.

A Jewel: I don’t want for much. My life is relatively simple and I’m in right standing with God. I live by a quiet lake and the Montana mountains restore me. In the night hours, God leads me in paths that shine light on who he is. Oh, I walk by a lot of darkness but I don’t fear it because I walk with God. He comforts, disciplines and protects me. Not only does he seek justice on my behalf he displays that justice before those that hurt me. I have so much. I won’t be leaving God’s side ever.

That is a modern version of Psalms 23.

A Gem: Wisdom defeans the sounds of darkness as it exposes the plot. The plot of evil is always destruction. Period.

Metaphorical Gunpowder: I am so loved. It’s taken my a lifetime to understand what that means. When I found it, I had to learn to accept it.

All Love!

Please comment below by leaving your jewel, a gem or something you keep yourself free from with metaphorical gunpowder.

All love!

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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