Words of Wisdom | A Cricket’s Song

Crickets chirp or sing for courtship or aggression. Doesn’t that sound distinctly familiar? Somewhat like abusers. They court you one minute and the next they are aggressive. Leaving abusers causes confusion in our minds. It shouldn’t but it often does. We believe they are singing only one song — a song of love or courtship.Continue reading “Words of Wisdom | A Cricket’s Song”

Mirror Mirror | What About God’s Love?

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. Yesterday was Mother’s Day. My mother never choose me. And that’s okay. I know a God that not only choose me while I was in my mother’s womb, his love surpasses the love of a mother. Can a mother forget the baby at herContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | What About God’s Love?”

Mirror Mirror | PTSD & Chronic Pain

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. I have been dealing with chronic physical pain for about three years now. To fix the pain, I had a full hip replacement. I thought the surgery was going to provide immediate relief. The problem – I live with severe PTSD. A childhood wroughtContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | PTSD & Chronic Pain”

Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

I would love to hear from you! Sharing Saturday with you. A Jewel: I don’t want for much. My life is relatively simple and I’m in right standing with God. I live by a quiet lake and the Montana mountains restore me. In the night hours, God leads me in paths that shine light onContinue reading “Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder”

Fear Not Friday | Do you fear churches?

On the discussion of fear, do you have a fear of churches, clergymen and religious establishments? I do! And, I’ll tell you why. There was this prophet in the Old Testament they called the “weeping prophet.” His name was Jeremiah. He denounced social injustices of his time and said profound things like, “This is what theContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Do you fear churches?”

Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

I would love to hear from you! Sharing Saturday with you. A Jewel: Destiny is my driving force. I felt a different drumbeat as a child. I knew I wasn’t like my parents. I knew things they didn’t tell me. Things about God. Things about a better life. A Gem: Finding my purpose in lifeContinue reading “Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder”

Fear Not Friday | The Fever of Fear

On the discussion of fear, have you ever got into the downward spiral that just keeps you spinning? You know — that feeling of just being scared….scared of everything? I am having a full hip replacement in a few days and my mind swirls with thoughts of fear. Will I make it through. How muchContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | The Fever of Fear”

The Mirror of the Mind

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. In the corner of our minds are the recesses of memory. We can choose to look in that mirror or we can choose not to look into that mirror. I have lived both ways. My past had some of the ugliest recalls I’ve heardContinue reading “The Mirror of the Mind”

Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder

I would love to hear from you! Sharing Saturday with you. A Jewel: It is April 6th here in Montana and there is a light dusting of snow on the ground. I love the weather here. It’s unpredictable, comes and goes quickly — it reminds me much of myself. Radical and safe. Strong and soft.Continue reading “Jewels, Gems & Gunpowder”

Mirror Mirror | Clutch On

Reflection ~ what a great way to start a week. Christianity to me has meant that when I was too weak to stand, I fell at the feet of Jesus. Faith to me means when I am out of options, and maybe before I’m completely done trying, I let go and give it to God.Continue reading “Mirror Mirror | Clutch On”