Mirror Mirror | Clutch On

Reflection ~ what a great way to start a week. Christianity to me has meant that when I was too weak to stand, I fell at the feet of Jesus. Faith to me means when I am out of options, and maybe before I’m completely done trying, I let go and give it to God.Continue reading “Mirror Mirror | Clutch On”

Mirror Mirror | A Fatal Wound

Oh, reflection, my soul longs for you. Why don’t we talk more about incest in our socieites at large? Trauma that stays with the person a life time and can threaten their very existence. Every nine minutes a child is abused in the US and that number excludes the global problem. We should be talkingContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | A Fatal Wound”

Mirror Mirror | Waves of Discovery

Introspection — what better way to start a week. Question: When you are faced with a truth, you must decide how to respond to that information. Will you deny what you know your mind, body and soul is speaking to you? Or will you lean in and with grace be kind to that returning memory?Continue reading “Mirror Mirror | Waves of Discovery”

Fear Not Friday | Do You Fear God is Full of Punishment?

On the discussion of fear, do you see God sitting in heaven holding a big stick ready to punish you? Mercy and grace can be differentiated as follows: mercy is the act of withholding deserved punishment, while grace is the act of endowing unmerited favor. In His mercy, God does not give us the punishmentContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Do You Fear God is Full of Punishment?”

Worth IS Worthiness

As a noun worth means the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration. Oh, that’s interesting. Under whose consideration might be the right question we should be asking ourselves. If under my own consideration, I consider myself quite worthy. Under another’s consideration, if I give them that right, they may consider meContinue reading “Worth IS Worthiness”

A Rush to Evil

Why don’t we talk more about incest in our socieites at large? The trauma is lifelong and threatens lives daily. Every nine minutes a child is abused in the US, and this is a global problem. Shame is discussed at great length around the world. Brene Brown is best known for her TedTalks on theContinue reading “A Rush to Evil”

Trembling with Anxiety

It is a funny phenomena — I was never really scared of the outside world. My deepest fears always lived inside homes. That’s where I have always been hurt. I remember my counselor and I discussing how to keep myself safe. We’d run through different scenarios — like waking up and having an intruder inContinue reading “Trembling with Anxiety”

A Challenge of Courage

Incest and all childhood sexual assault is wicked and evil. Call it what you will, but no person with true faith could rape a child. Why are we so dull? Why do we want to soften the blow of wickedness? Is it easier to not include evil with such acts? What else on God’s greenContinue reading “A Challenge of Courage”

A Little Lamb

Vulnerable, shaky and trusting these little guys come into the world. At the birth of all things vulnerability is present. What does being vulnerable mean? It means “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.” We have no choice as children about that raw,Continue reading “A Little Lamb”