Mirror Mirror | What About God’s Love?

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. Yesterday was Mother’s Day. My mother never choose me. And that’s okay. I know a God that not only choose me while I was in my mother’s womb, his love surpasses the love of a mother. Can a mother forget the baby at herContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | What About God’s Love?”

Mirror Mirror | PTSD & Chronic Pain

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. I have been dealing with chronic physical pain for about three years now. To fix the pain, I had a full hip replacement. I thought the surgery was going to provide immediate relief. The problem – I live with severe PTSD. A childhood wroughtContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | PTSD & Chronic Pain”

Bits N Bs

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at BitsnB1218@gmail.com or through DM. There are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual crimes. One in nine don’t report. The real number of victims is staggering but no one wants to talk about it. We will. If you need anonymous advice from Jesus’ girlsContinue reading “Bits N Bs”

Bits ‘n B

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at BitsnB1218@gmail.com or through DM. There are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual crimes. One in nine don’t report. The real number of victims is staggering but no one wants to talk about it. We will. If you need anonymous advice from Jesus’ girlsContinue reading “Bits ‘n B”

Bits ‘n B

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at BitsnB1218@gmail.com or through DM. Sometimes, if a comment feels resonant, we will respond via Bits n’ Bs for a more public response. Dear Nicky, You wrote, “But . . . When your abuser dies and his child perpetrates his deeds.” First, we areContinue reading “Bits ‘n B”

The Mirror of the Mind

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. In the corner of our minds are the recesses of memory. We can choose to look in that mirror or we can choose not to look into that mirror. I have lived both ways. My past had some of the ugliest recalls I’ve heardContinue reading “The Mirror of the Mind”

Bits N B

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at BitsnB1218@gmail.com or through DM. Sometimes, if a comment feels resonant, we will respond via Bits N Bs for a more public response. Dear Reader, Us survivors know that some people come among us to hurt and destroy others. Jesus came so that weContinue reading “Bits N B”

Mirror Mirror ~ What Crime Would You Like God to Remember?

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. Don’t doubt yourself! Even God remembers the crime committed against you. In the last book of the bible, John tells us “and God has remembered her crimes.” Did you know that God remembers? Question – What crime would you like God to remember forContinue reading “Mirror Mirror ~ What Crime Would You Like God to Remember?”

Patterns of Mistreatment

Some of the patterns of treating ourselves unkindly start early on, in our homes, from the very people who are meant to keep us safe and feeling loved. When I was a teen, after my father left, I picked up where he had left off. Didn’t even skip a beat really. When your abuser isContinue reading “Patterns of Mistreatment”

Why God Why?

Throughout much of my life, I’ve grappled with these questions: Where is God in the midst of abuse? What is He doing while it unfolds? What thoughts and feelings does He have? I heard someone describe it once in two words: God weeps. This is what He is doing, this is what He is thinkingContinue reading “Why God Why?”