Real Talk

I see so much misguided fear around abuse of children. Talk of sex trafficking, kidnapping and abductions by strangers run rampant on the news, on the internet & in family circles. These views show me that we haven’t learned much as a society about the realities of childhood sexual abuse. At all. Yes, these thingsContinue reading “Real Talk”

Mental Fitness

I was depressed for a very long time. All through my teen years and most of my 20s. Many many very serious suicide attempts. Longtime addiction. Etc etc etc. I still feel sad sometimes (when necessary) but mostly I am way above baseline. Like technicolor silly happy stupid happy. How can that be? Did IContinue reading “Mental Fitness”

Bits N Bs

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at or through DM. There are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual crimes. One in nine don’t report. The real number of victims is staggering but no one wants to talk about it. We will. If you need anonymous advice from Jesus’ girlsContinue reading “Bits N Bs”

Bits ‘n B

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at or through DM. There are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual crimes. One in nine don’t report. The real number of victims is staggering but no one wants to talk about it. We will. If you need anonymous advice from Jesus’ girlsContinue reading “Bits ‘n B”

Bits ‘n B

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at or through DM. Sometimes, if a comment feels resonant, we will respond via Bits n’ Bs for a more public response. Dear Nicky, You wrote, “But . . . When your abuser dies and his child perpetrates his deeds.” First, we areContinue reading “Bits ‘n B”

The Mirror of the Mind

Moments of reflection — what better way to start a week. In the corner of our minds are the recesses of memory. We can choose to look in that mirror or we can choose not to look into that mirror. I have lived both ways. My past had some of the ugliest recalls I’ve heardContinue reading “The Mirror of the Mind”

Bits N B

Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at or through DM. Sometimes, if a comment feels resonant, we will respond via Bits N Bs for a more public response. Dear Reader, Us survivors know that some people come among us to hurt and destroy others. Jesus came so that weContinue reading “Bits N B”

Words of Wisdom | The False Self

An excerpt from Morgan Snyder’s book “Becoming a King:” “The context of the journey of deliverance from the false self and restoration of the true self is unique, but the process is universal. It begins with awareness. The first step to becoming true is becoming aware of the false. Who am I in my falseContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | The False Self”

Bits n’ B ~ Anonymous Advice

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.” Albert Einstein Each week on Tuesday we will answer an anonymous message received at or through DM. Dear Bits n’ B, “I have a very complicated relationship with my family. This post is directed at my dad’sContinue reading “Bits n’ B ~ Anonymous Advice”

Bits n’ B ~ Anonymous Advice

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.” Albert Einstein Together we are stronger. Each week on Wednesday we will begin answering anonymous emails received at I’ve received many anonymous comments through the years. Two young men, both the age of 24, have emailed. IContinue reading “Bits n’ B ~ Anonymous Advice”