Mirror Mirror | Clutch On

Reflection ~ what a great way to start a week. Christianity to me has meant that when I was too weak to stand, I fell at the feet of Jesus. Faith to me means when I am out of options, and maybe before I’m completely done trying, I let go and give it to God.Continue reading “Mirror Mirror | Clutch On”

Mirror Mirror | A Fatal Wound

Oh, reflection, my soul longs for you. Why don’t we talk more about incest in our socieites at large? Trauma that stays with the person a life time and can threaten their very existence. Every nine minutes a child is abused in the US and that number excludes the global problem. We should be talkingContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | A Fatal Wound”

A Rush to Evil

Why don’t we talk more about incest in our socieites at large? The trauma is lifelong and threatens lives daily. Every nine minutes a child is abused in the US, and this is a global problem. Shame is discussed at great length around the world. Brene Brown is best known for her TedTalks on theContinue reading “A Rush to Evil”