Mirror Mirror | Clutch On

Reflection ~ what a great way to start a week. Christianity to me has meant that when I was too weak to stand, I fell at the feet of Jesus. Faith to me means when I am out of options, and maybe before I’m completely done trying, I let go and give it to God.Continue reading “Mirror Mirror | Clutch On”

Mirror Mirror | A Fatal Wound

Oh, reflection, my soul longs for you. Why don’t we talk more about incest in our socieites at large? Trauma that stays with the person a life time and can threaten their very existence. Every nine minutes a child is abused in the US and that number excludes the global problem. We should be talkingContinue reading “Mirror Mirror | A Fatal Wound”

A Rush to Evil

Why don’t we talk more about incest in our socieites at large? The trauma is lifelong and threatens lives daily. Every nine minutes a child is abused in the US, and this is a global problem. Shame is discussed at great length around the world. Brene Brown is best known for her TedTalks on theContinue reading “A Rush to Evil”

Triggers Are Real

Anyone that has come through childhood trauma has triggers. Period. You may think you are not triggered, but you just don’t know how to recognize them. What is a trigger? A trigger can be anything that sparks a memory of a trauma, or a part of a trauma. When you encounter a trigger, memories andContinue reading “Triggers Are Real”