Support Group Looking to Add Members

Wildflower is looking for some members to join “Sexual Trauma Support Group for Women.” There is no cost to join. They want members who have lived through sexual crimes to grab a blanket, get a cup of coffee, tea or wine, and join by Zoom for connection, comfort and conversation. For more information on joiningContinue reading “Support Group Looking to Add Members”

Do you fall prey to words of deception?

Abusers are either trying to deceive you or they become your accuser. One way or the other, it is all manipulation. I’ve lived with many of them. Abusive people want you to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage. Not many people today use these old words, butContinue reading “Do you fall prey to words of deception?”

Fiercely Free

My struggle is not what it used to be. It just isn’t. My heart doesn’t camp by the misery as long any more. Am I saying I walk without any pain? Nope. What I am saying is this: I don’t walk with darkness beside me. The little girl that was so unkept and unloved, sheContinue reading “Fiercely Free”

A Price to Pay

Healing is not free. The choice to step into the arena with an incestuous family can be terrifying. That’s why many of us choose not to. Abusers win because we fear the cost to stand against them. We have to see the ordinary with them. They have created illusion around everything. Nothing is what itContinue reading “A Price to Pay”

Purity and Protection

Sometimes I’m envious when I hear a life unweathered by the storms of childhood sexual abuse. They come complete with items I just didn’t grow up with. Things like protection, innocence — peace. I longed for those things. They other afternoon, I closed my eyes to breathe in for a minute. A white-feathered waist lengthContinue reading “Purity and Protection”


What a label to wear around your neck, huh! Well, I’m so much more than the word indicates. As defined in Merriam-Webster, incest is “sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry.” I wonder if this is the right word for children that are forced to have intercourseContinue reading “Incest”