Words of Wisdom | God Has the Final Say

Many of us are familiar with Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It’s a great scripture. This Scripture brings comfort, direction, and hope to Christians every day. While God can turn ugly situations aroundContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | God Has the Final Say”

WW | Words of Wisdom | Letting Go . . . of . . . D E A T H

Suicide and death are such a common theme among incest survivors. You know why? It’s all murder, that’s why. I only saw my father a handful of times after that. He had chosen deceit and the battle between us was on. About six months before this illness, I’d dreamt that my father was milling aboutContinue reading “WW | Words of Wisdom | Letting Go . . . of . . . D E A T H”

WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | FAVOR

When I lived at home with my father, I was favored. His favor included being backhanded when I showed the slightest sign of disobedience, rape, sodomy and playing the game Risk. Oh, my family envied my favor with my father. You see, growing up in a home where the only attention you receive is abuse,Continue reading “WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | FAVOR”

WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | God Has the Final Say

Many of us are familiar with Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It’s a great scripture. This Scripture brings comfort, direction, and hope to Christians every day. While God can turn ugly situations aroundContinue reading “WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | God Has the Final Say”

WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | When Your Denial Causes Damage

Denial is the gift that helps us survive as children. I get it. I lived it. However, when we have children of our own or have a responsibility around children, denial most often becomes a tool of destruction. “Trauma denial may be helpful in the short term. It allows the trauma survivor to stand upContinue reading “WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | When Your Denial Causes Damage”

WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | Gentleness

The bible tells us a “tender reed will not be broken.” In my childhood, I was — broken. How do you give what you have never received? My children were born to a mother who had never seen tenderness. Cruelty was the character that ruled my life. How then was I to know what kindnessContinue reading “WWW | Wednesday Words of Wisdom | Gentleness”

Jaded ~ There are Two Sides of Depression

I wasn’t the depressed guy that stayed in bed all day, let their house fall apart around them, and never did the dishes. That just wasn’t me. I falsely believed that because I went constantly, I wasn’t depressed. When questioned by my counselor if I was depressed, I’d say an emphatic no. I wasn’t theContinue reading “Jaded ~ There are Two Sides of Depression”

A Tender Reed

The bible tells us a “tender reed will not be broken.” In my childhood, I was — broken. How do you give what you have never received? My children were born to a mother who had never seen tenderness. Cruelty was the character that ruled my life. How then was I to know what kindnessContinue reading “A Tender Reed”

A Spark of Fire

A Spark of fire, a moment to live,This is all I ask to survive, I can’t breathe, I cannot think, I need peace and quiet,A spark of fire, a moment to live. As time passes by and my abuse grows in the distance, the pain lingers still, I have a hard time focusing. I needContinue reading “A Spark of Fire”