Reviews on my Audiobook are In

A Prisoner by No Crime of My Own. Incest. Rape. Murder. Then, I turned four. At three years old, Jodie watched her father murder a woman in a seedy hotel room. He, a true-born sociopath, strolled undetected, using religion as his disguise. Their family coat of arms was incest. The murdered woman’s life mattered andContinue reading “Reviews on my Audiobook are In”

Going on a Road Trip? Take the Audiobook with You

Each one of us needs community. All survivors could use a tribe they trust. Join me as I share my journey, raw and real. This is for the brokenhearted person stumbling their way through life. This is not a story for the bystander looking in. Here’s on reviewer from the UK, his title “Bizzare,” hisContinue reading “Going on a Road Trip? Take the Audiobook with You”

Audiobook Now Available thru Amazon Audible

I am so proud of the completion of the audiobook. I am the narrator and painstakingly took the time needed for attention to the detail of my words, the nuances of the situation and so on. The audiobook is 10 hours and 2 minutes long. 93% of sexual offenders describe themselves as “religious.” This leavesContinue reading “Audiobook Now Available thru Amazon Audible”