Fear Not Friday | Left Out

On the discussion of fear, does your past make you feel left out?

Sometimes I’m burdened with my choice to be so vocal about my past. In detail I have shared the debauchery that lived in my childhood. The book I wrote, A Prisoner By No Crime of My Own, will never reach the New York Best Seller list.

It’s too ugly. It’s too real. And it makes many feel uncomfortable.

That makes me feel left out.

I wish people knew how to embrace the downtrodden stories that are the reality of millions. I wish we lived in a world that celebrated broken lives that God redeems. I wish I knew the answer to this mystery.

Why can’t we embrace pain? Why do we avoid the realities of so many?

I know one thing! God not only faces these burdens with me on the daily, he celebrates the many broken pieces of me that only He could redeem.

I pray that you feel His love around the parts of you that need redemption.

#UCU (You see you!)

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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