Fear Not Friday | The Fever of Fear

On the discussion of fear, have you ever got into the downward spiral that just keeps you spinning? You know — that feeling of just being scared….scared of everything?

I am having a full hip replacement in a few days and my mind swirls with thoughts of fear. Will I make it through. How much pain will I be in. Am I going to die of complications?

Those thoughts have been with me since childhood. I was in continuous pain. Fear surrounded me like a hunting bear. Seldom did I sleep and I often wondered if I would be alive for very long.

Triggers of my childhood! Patterns of past events. This is very triggering for me. My body is in pain all the time. I’m told this surgery will take that pain away. Nothing in my being believes that because that’s not how my life has been. Pain after pain.

But, as sudden as it came, Jesus truly subsided the fears in my heart. He silenced the agony of my soul. He restored the cavern of fear and hate to a place of beauty and rest.

I am going to be okay. You know why? I walk with God. That’s why.

All Love! No fear!

#UCU (You see you!)

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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