Fear Not Friday | Do you fear churches?

On the discussion of fear, do you have a fear of churches, clergymen and religious establishments?

I do!

And, I’ll tell you why.

There was this prophet in the Old Testament they called the “weeping prophet.” His name was Jeremiah. He denounced social injustices of his time and said profound things like, “This is what the Lord Almight says, . . . “They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace.”

I have watched the church since childhood. I’ve gone to the church when I’ve needed help from a severely traumatic childhood. Little — if no help was found.

The church dressed my wounds as if it were not serious. “Get over it,” they would say. “Jesus saves.” “By his strips you are healed.”

What absolute nonsense this sounds like to the person drowning in sorrow. To the person that has a fatal soul wound you might as well go tell them to kill themselves — that there is no help here.

Utter shamefulness on those that pronounce instant healing from childhood wounds that took years to accumulate. A good Father would never say this to you. A good, loving, trusting God would say, “Come to me child. Let me hold you close and speak words of kindess to you. Let me tell you that your warfare has ended and I have nothing but the best in mind for you.”

That’s what God would and does say.

Shame on the churches that address the wounds of God’s people as if they were not serious. Folks are dying out here as a result of childhood wounds.

I’m here to tell you God sees it all. God sees your pain, the way you’ve been misunderstood, and the courage it has taken you to get this far.

He addresses your wounds with full seriousness~!

All love! In Jesus’ name.

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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