Gorged on Intelligence

“Brilliant!” We all like to claim. What I’ve learned is that knowledge without wisdom is useless. Gathering information like squirrels gather nuts, we all run around trying to protect ourselves with it. Our stomachs are bloated with knowledge and our souls are sick from lack of rest. “Learn more about your pain, do more self-care,Continue reading “Gorged on Intelligence”

Audiobook Now Available thru Amazon Audible

I am so proud of the completion of the audiobook. I am the narrator and painstakingly took the time needed for attention to the detail of my words, the nuances of the situation and so on. The audiobook is 10 hours and 2 minutes long. 93% of sexual offenders describe themselves as “religious.” This leavesContinue reading “Audiobook Now Available thru Amazon Audible”

Intentional Sin

It is difficult to believe that someone sets their heart on hurting a child, but it’s true. Many do! When you think of crimes against children, don’t forget all the calculations that have to be built around those acts. That is intentionality. Premeditated crimes. Thought out beforehand, these people spend a great deal of timeContinue reading “Intentional Sin”

Do you fall prey to words of deception?

Abusers are either trying to deceive you or they become your accuser. One way or the other, it is all manipulation. I’ve lived with many of them. Abusive people want you to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage. Not many people today use these old words, butContinue reading “Do you fall prey to words of deception?”

A Spark of Fire

A Spark of fire, a moment to live,This is all I ask to survive, I can’t breathe, I cannot think, I need peace and quiet,A spark of fire, a moment to live. As time passes by and my abuse grows in the distance, the pain lingers still, I have a hard time focusing. I needContinue reading “A Spark of Fire”

Neglected, But Not Destroyed

Like trying to dance in a field of thorns, so it is for the broken to walk through life. There wasn’t a piece of my childhood that was protected or safe. Nothing mattered when it came to who I was. I was just meant for the pleasure, or hatred, of those I was born to.Continue reading “Neglected, But Not Destroyed”

Gorged on Intelligence

“Brilliant!” We all like to claim. What I’ve learned is that knowledge without wisdom is useless. Gathering information like squirrels gather nuts, we all run around trying to protect ourselves with it. Our stomachs are bloated with knowledge and our souls are sick from lack of rest. “Learn more about your pain, do more self-care,Continue reading “Gorged on Intelligence”