Slashed Wrists

Suicide was such a prevalent enemy that was with me as I traversed the waters of growing up in treacherous abuse. As a child in a home of such control, there was no way to even consider attempting suicide. That, too, would not have been allowed. It’s strange how such powerful control takes over everyContinue reading “Slashed Wrists”

The Shot of Rejection

Abuse, for each one of us, is a burden to carry. The acts perpetrated against us carry a sentence that equates, ultimately, to rejection. My parents continually dismissed me. Their refusal to see me, offer any comfort or love that I needed as a child, left a blueprint that I followed. That path led meContinue reading “The Shot of Rejection”

Hope Deferred Makes My Heart Sick

I have been waiting for God’s intervention in a demonstrative way for so many years I cannot recall the exact number. Maybe since I was born. I feel physically ill sometimes waiting and longing in hope for the vile ways of evil people to be exposed, for them to reap even a little bit; somethingContinue reading “Hope Deferred Makes My Heart Sick”

I’m Tired

I’m tired of telling the truth. I’m tired of looking back. I am tired of the struggle. It’s been such a heavy burden. I picked up this backpack and I’ve been carrying it around since I was about four. It’s a cool backpack with compartments everywhere, some of which are even hidden. One pocket hasContinue reading “I’m Tired”