Fear Not Friday | Dropped on Your Head

What happens when a baby gets dropped on their head? The worry is that the baby may have a skull fracture or internal injury, like bleeding on the brain (intracranial hemorrhage). Without immediate treatment, bleeding can worsen and put pressure on the brain, causing a traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Immediate attention and treatment is needed andContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Dropped on Your Head”

Fear Not Friday | Collapse

Have you ever had those days where you just wanted to fall down? Absoluetely collapse? I certainly have. Many days. Guess what I did? I’d run until I had to collapse. But, collapse I had to do. I just don’t always have the strength life takes. I didn’t always have the answers for the painContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Collapse”

Fear Not Friday | Fear, Grief, Anger

On the discussion of fear, sometimes I am hard pressed to determine which emotion I am really feeling. Sometimes my fear swirled with other things like grief and anger. When I began to grieve for the many losses I’d racked up in my life, some of my fear began to dissipate. I was learning thatContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Fear, Grief, Anger”

Fear Not Friday | Do you fear churches?

On the discussion of fear, do you have a fear of churches, clergymen and religious establishments? I do! And, I’ll tell you why. There was this prophet in the Old Testament they called the “weeping prophet.” His name was Jeremiah. He denounced social injustices of his time and said profound things like, “This is what theContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Do you fear churches?”

Fear Not Friday | The Fever of Fear

On the discussion of fear, have you ever got into the downward spiral that just keeps you spinning? You know — that feeling of just being scared….scared of everything? I am having a full hip replacement in a few days and my mind swirls with thoughts of fear. Will I make it through. How muchContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | The Fever of Fear”

Fear Not Friday | Judgment Day is Closer Than You Think

On the discussion of fear, if we hold ourselves accountable for how we live and if we believe that God holds us accountable, don’t we also then believe the guilty are held accountable? Time and time again I see the innocent walk on without justice. I hear story after story of how the abuser walksContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Judgment Day is Closer Than You Think”

Fear Not Friday | He got away with murder.

On the discussion of fear, does it leave fear in your being when people get away with a crime? My father killed a woman in front of me when I was three. The very act of cruelty lead me into a life of sheer and sudden terror. I was scared of everything. As I child,Continue reading “Fear Not Friday | He got away with murder.”

Fear Not Friday | Left Out

On the discussion of fear, does your past make you feel left out? Sometimes I’m burdened with my choice to be so vocal about my past. In detail I have shared the debauchery that lived in my childhood. The book I wrote, A Prisoner By No Crime of My Own, will never reach the NewContinue reading “Fear Not Friday | Left Out”