Fear Not Friday | Dropped on Your Head

What happens when a baby gets dropped on their head? The worry is that the baby may have a skull fracture or internal injury, like bleeding on the brain (intracranial hemorrhage). Without immediate treatment, bleeding can worsen and put pressure on the brain, causing a traumatic brain injury (TBI). 

Immediate attention and treatment is needed and given.

What happens when a child is sexually abused?

Usually, nothing.

The child goes on unattended, unnoticed until abused again, and never receives medical treatment. Medical treatments is probably needed. So is attention and care — great love needs to come into the place of that abandoned hurt.

When a person tells you they have cancer, is your first reponse, “Well, I don’t know if I believe? Are you telling me the truth.” NO! You wouldn’t say that. You’d say, “Oh I am just so sorry to hear that you are struggling with this. How can I help you?”

That is the same response we need to give to victims of these childhood crimes.

We might not have been dropped on our head as a baby, but we were indeed DROPPED by the people who were meant to care for us — those entrusted to save our lives, almost took it away from us.

This creates great trust issues that surround our heart, our mind and emotions. Fear encroaches into most areas of life because of the great barrier left in us.

Father, I pray for the person reading these words. I trust you to come into their lives in a way that only you can. A mind cannot heal a broken heart and only love can drive out fear. Bring your love, your great protection, and deep abiding understand to them now.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Published by Just Jesus, Jodie & B

I have the courage to tell my story to help others embrace theirs.

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