Words of Wisdom | The False Self

An excerpt from Morgan Snyder’s book “Becoming a King:” “The context of the journey of deliverance from the false self and restoration of the true self is unique, but the process is universal. It begins with awareness. The first step to becoming true is becoming aware of the false. Who am I in my falseContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | The False Self”

Words of Wisdom | Vindicate Me

King David is my favorite author of the Old Testament. He was a man that was real, honest, and raw with God. He mused and fussed with God, praised Him, and thanked him — all three rather quickly sometimes. An awesome man of God and King David asked God to keep him “as the appleContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | Vindicate Me”

Unraveling …

Here’s to all of you out there committed to healing and dedicated to growth, embracing the daily courage required to shift from self-betrayal to self-acceptance and self-love. Healing is a profound journey, not for the faint-hearted. It demands facing our deepest wounds and vulnerabilities, often unearthed through years of self-protection and denial. It is aContinue reading “Unraveling …”

Words of Wisdom | Genocide

Genocide “is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” In other words, mass slaughter. All childhood sexual crimes fall under this category. It is a genocide on the human race – so it is indeed a racial crime. WhyContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | Genocide”

Words of Wisdom | Evil People

In this world are millions of evil people. “The people of the evil one.” 37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one,Continue reading “Words of Wisdom | Evil People”

Words of Wisdom | Living with a Parasite

There are worms that won’t harm you if you swallow them, but there are worms that can be extremely harmful. Incestuous relationships are like eating harmful worms and having them live inside you wreaking havoc. They create a system of shame and disappointment. Trustworthiness is no where to be found in these caverns created byContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | Living with a Parasite”

Why God?

In the intricate journey of life, the question of why God allows suffering remains a profound mystery. Childhood trauma, with its harrowing impact, often leaves individuals grappling with pain and searching for redemption. The human journey is marked by trials, including instances of profound pain & abuse that test the boundaries of faith and understanding.Continue reading “Why God?”

Words of Wisdom | Convicting the Guilty

Convict as a verb means to find or prove to be guilty. Usually this is in a court of law before a judge and jury. What if your case never makes if before a judge and jury? The lack of conviction is devastating in the life of victims. Most victims of childhood crimes rarely seekContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | Convicting the Guilty”

Words of Wisdom | TRIUMPH

Have you ever considered yourself a winner? You should! It was a great victory to make it out of childhood abuse. That acheivement should be celebrated. By looking at ourselves *UCU(YOU SEE YOU), we can find the treasures hidden in our lives — and we have many. By focusing on those that hurt us throughContinue reading “Words of Wisdom | TRIUMPH”

Mirror Mirror ~ Self Harm

What better way to start a week but through introspection. QUESTION: If I asked myself the question, “How do I harm myself?” I have a myriad of ways. Oh, we know the usual harms of hurting our flesh (over eating or self-indugent behavior of any kind). But, beyond the obvious ways — what about harmingContinue reading “Mirror Mirror ~ Self Harm”